Inherits: Authorizable, Modifiable, IPIDController
Redemption Rate Feedback Mechanism (RRFM) controller that implements a PI controller
State Variables
The lower (when negative) bound for the redemption rate
Represents a rate of -99.999% per second (as -100% is not allowed) in RAY precision
uint256 internal constant _NEGATIVE_RATE_LIMIT = RAY - 1;
The upper bound for the redemption rate
Maximum possible value that can be safely casted to int256
uint256 internal constant _POSITIVE_RATE_LIMIT = uint256(type(int256).max);
Returns the address allowed to call computeRate method
address public seedProposer;
Getter for the unpacked contract parameters struct
PIDControllerParams public _params;
Raw data about the last deviation observation
The last deviation observation, containing latest timestamp, proportional and integral terms
DeviationObservation public _deviationObservation;
Raw data about the Kp and Ki values used in this calculator
ControllerGains public _controllerGains;
Getter for the contract parameters struct
function params() external view returns (PIDControllerParams memory _pidParams);
Name | Type | Description |
_pidParams | PIDControllerParams | The PID controller parameters struct |
Returns the last deviation observation, containing latest timestamp, proportional and integral terms
function deviationObservation() external view returns (DeviationObservation memory __deviationObservation);
Name | Type | Description |
__deviationObservation | DeviationObservation | The last deviation observation struct |
Returns the Kp and Ki values used in this calculator
The values are expressed in WAD, Kp stands for proportional and Ki for integral terms
function controllerGains() external view returns (ControllerGains memory _cGains);
ControllerGains memory _cGains,
PIDControllerParams memory _pidParams,
DeviationObservation memory _importedState
) Authorizable(msg.sender) validParams;
Name | Type | Description |
_cGains | ControllerGains | Initial valid controller gains settings struct |
_pidParams | PIDControllerParams | Initial valid PID controller parameters struct |
_importedState | DeviationObservation | Imported initial state of the controller (optional) |
Return a redemption rate bounded by feedbackOutputLowerBound and feedbackOutputUpperBound as well as the timeline over which that rate will take effect
function getBoundedRedemptionRate(int256 _piOutput) external view returns (uint256 _newRedemptionRate);
Name | Type | Description |
_piOutput | int256 | The raw redemption rate computed from the proportional and integral terms |
Name | Type | Description |
_newRedemptionRate | uint256 | _redemptionRate The bounded redemption rate |
Computes the new redemption rate by taking into account the feedbackOutputUpperBound and feedbackOutputLowerBound
function _getBoundedRedemptionRate(int256 _piOutput) internal view virtual returns (uint256 _newRedemptionRate);
Computes the pi output by taking into account the feedbackOutputUpperBound and feedbackOutputLowerBound
function _getBoundedPIOutput(int256 _piOutput) internal view virtual returns (int256 _boundedPIOutput);
Compute a new redemption rate
function computeRate(uint256 _marketPrice, uint256 _redemptionPrice) external returns (uint256 _newRedemptionRate);
Name | Type | Description |
_marketPrice | uint256 | The system coin market price |
_redemptionPrice | uint256 | The system coin redemption price |
Name | Type | Description |
_newRedemptionRate | uint256 | _redemptionRate The computed redemption rate |
Computes the proportional term using the scaled difference between market price and redemption price
function _getProportionalTerm(
uint256 _marketPrice,
uint256 _redemptionPrice
) internal view virtual returns (int256 _proportionalTerm);
Returns whether the P + I sum exceeds the noise barrier
function breaksNoiseBarrier(uint256 _piSum, uint256 _redemptionPrice) external view virtual returns (bool _breaksNb);
Name | Type | Description |
_piSum | uint256 | Represents a sum between P + I |
_redemptionPrice | uint256 | The system coin redemption price |
Name | Type | Description |
_breaksNb | bool | Whether the P + I sum exceeds the noise barrier |
Returns whether the P + I sum exceeds the noise barrier
function _breaksNoiseBarrier(uint256 _piSum, uint256 _redemptionPrice) internal view virtual returns (bool _breaksNb);
Apply Kp to the proportional term and Ki to the integral term (by multiplication) and then sum P and I
function getGainAdjustedPIOutput(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
int256 _integralTerm
) external view returns (int256 _gainAdjustedPIOutput);
Name | Type | Description |
_proportionalTerm | int256 | The proportional term |
_integralTerm | int256 | The integral term |
Name | Type | Description |
_gainAdjustedPIOutput | int256 | _piOutput The sum of P and I |
Computes the gain adjusted PI output by multiplying P by Kp and I by Ki and then sum P & I
function _getGainAdjustedPIOutput(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
int256 _integralTerm
) internal view virtual returns (int256 _adjustedPIOutput);
Computes the gain adjusted terms by multiplying P by Kp and I by Ki
function _getGainAdjustedTerms(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
int256 _integralTerm
) internal view virtual returns (int256 _ajustedProportionalTerm, int256 _adjustedIntegralTerm);
Independently return and calculate P * Kp and I * Ki
function getGainAdjustedTerms(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
int256 _integralTerm
) external view returns (int256 _ajustedProportionalTerm, int256 _adjustedIntegralTerm);
Name | Type | Description |
_proportionalTerm | int256 | The proportional term |
_integralTerm | int256 | The integral term |
Name | Type | Description |
_ajustedProportionalTerm | int256 | _proportionalGain The proportional gain |
_adjustedIntegralTerm | int256 | _integralGain The integral gain |
Push new observations in deviationObservations while also updating priceDeviationCumulative
function _updateDeviation(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
uint256 _accumulatedLeak
) internal virtual returns (int256 _integralTerm);
Name | Type | Description |
_proportionalTerm | int256 | The proportionalTerm |
_accumulatedLeak | uint256 | The total leak (similar to a negative interest rate) applied to priceDeviationCumulative before proportionalTerm is added to it |
Compute a new priceDeviationCumulative (integral term)
function getNextDeviationCumulative(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
uint256 _accumulatedLeak
) external view returns (int256 _nextDeviationCumulative, int256 _appliedDeviation);
Name | Type | Description |
_proportionalTerm | int256 | The proportional term (redemptionPrice - marketPrice) |
_accumulatedLeak | uint256 | The total leak applied to priceDeviationCumulative before it is summed with the new time adjusted deviation |
Name | Type | Description |
_nextDeviationCumulative | int256 | _priceDeviationCumulative The new priceDeviationCumulative |
_appliedDeviation | int256 | _timeAdjustedDeviation The new time adjusted deviation |
Computes the new priceDeviationCumulative (integral term)
function _getNextDeviationCumulative(
int256 _proportionalTerm,
uint256 _accumulatedLeak
) internal view virtual returns (int256 _nextDeviationCumulative, int256 _appliedDeviation);
Compute and return the upcoming redemption rate
This method is used to provide a view of the next redemption rate without updating the state of the controller
function getNextRedemptionRate(
uint256 _marketPrice,
uint256 _redemptionPrice,
uint256 _accumulatedLeak
) external view returns (uint256 _redemptionRate, int256 _proportionalTerm, int256 _integralTerm);
Name | Type | Description |
_marketPrice | uint256 | The system coin market price |
_redemptionPrice | uint256 | The system coin redemption price |
_accumulatedLeak | uint256 | The total leak applied to priceDeviationCumulative before it is summed with the proportionalTerm |
Name | Type | Description |
_redemptionRate | uint256 | The upcoming redemption rate |
_proportionalTerm | int256 | The upcoming proportional term |
_integralTerm | int256 | The upcoming integral term |
Returns the time elapsed since the last computeRate call
function timeSinceLastUpdate() external view returns (uint256 _elapsed);
function _timeSinceLastUpdate() internal view returns (uint256 _elapsed);
Internal function to be overriden with custom logic to modify parameters
This function is set to revert if not overriden
function _modifyParameters(bytes32 _param, bytes memory _data) internal override;
Internal function to be overriden with custom logic to validate parameters
function _validateParameters() internal view override;