
Git Source

Inherits: IBaseOracle, IDenominatedOracle

Transforms two price feeds with a shared token into a new denominated price feed between the other two tokens of the feeds

Requires an external base price feed with a shared token between the price source and the denomination price source

State Variables


Address of the base price source that is used to calculate the price

Assumes that the price source is a valid IBaseOracle

IBaseOracle public priceSource;


Address of the base price source that is used to calculate the denominated price

Assumes that the price source is a valid IBaseOracle

IBaseOracle public denominationPriceSource;


Concatenated symbols of the two price sources used for quoting (e.g. '(WBTC / ETH) * (ETH / USD)')

The order of the symbols must follow a continuous chain of tokens

string public symbol;


Whether the price source quote should be inverted or not

Used to fix an inverted path of token quotes into a continuous chain of tokens (e.g. '(ETH / WBTC)^-1 * (ETH / USD)')

bool public inverted;



constructor(IBaseOracle _priceSource, IBaseOracle _denominationPriceSource, bool _inverted);


_priceSourceIBaseOracleAddress of the base price source that is used to calculate the price
_denominationPriceSourceIBaseOracleAddress of the denomination price source that is used to calculate price
_invertedboolFlag that indicates whether the price source quote should be inverted or not


Fetch the latest oracle result and whether it is valid or not

This method should never revert

function getResultWithValidity() external view returns (uint256 _result, bool _validity);


Fetch the latest oracle result

Will revert if is the price feed is invalid

function read() external view returns (uint256 _result);