Inherits: IBaseOracle, IBeefyVeloVaultRelayer
Deconstructs a Beefy Vault to it's Velodrome liquidity pool and that pool's constituent tokens to return a price feed
Requires an underlying Velodrome pool and price feeds for the pool's tokens
State Variables
Address of the token0 price source that is used to calculate the price
Assumes that the price source is a valid IBaseOracle
IBaseOracle public token0priceSource;
Address of the token1 price source that is used to calculate the price
Assumes that the price source is a valid IBaseOracle
IBaseOracle public token1priceSource;
Address of the beefy vault
Assumes that the beefy vault is a valid IBeefyVaultV7
IBeefyVaultV7 public beefyVault;
Address of the velo pool underlying the beefy vault
Assumes that the price source is a valid IVeloPool
IVeloPool public veloPool;
Symbol of the quote: token / baseToken (e.g. 'ETH / USD')
string public symbol;
IBaseOracle _token0priceSource,
IBaseOracle _token1priceSource,
IBeefyVaultV7 _beefyVault,
IVeloPool _veloPool
Name | Type | Description |
_token0priceSource | IBaseOracle | Address of the price source for the first token in the velo pool |
_token1priceSource | IBaseOracle | Address of the price source for the second token in the velo pool |
_beefyVault | IBeefyVaultV7 | The address of the beefy vault contract |
_veloPool | IVeloPool | The address of the velo pool underlying the beefy vault |
Fetch the latest oracle result and whether it is valid or not
This method should never revert
function getResultWithValidity() external view returns (uint256 _result, bool _validity);
Fetch the latest oracle result
Will revert if is the price feed is invalid
function read() external view returns (uint256 _result);
Returns the combined price of the two tokens in the velo pool
function _getCombinedPriceValue(
uint256 _token0priceSourceValue,
uint256 _token1priceSourceValue
) internal view returns (uint256 _combinedPriceValue);