Inherits: IAuthorizable, IDisableable, IModifiable
Address of the SAFEEngine contract
function safeEngine() external view returns (ISAFEEngine _safeEngine);
Address of the SurplusAuctionHouse contract
function surplusAuctionHouse() external view returns (ISurplusAuctionHouse _surplusAuctionHouse);
Address of the DebtAuctionHouse contract
function debtAuctionHouse() external view returns (IDebtAuctionHouse _debtAuctionHouse);
The post settlement surplus drain is used to transfer remaining surplus after settlement is triggered
Usually the SettlementSurplusAuctioneer
function postSettlementSurplusDrain() external view returns (address _postSettlementSurplusDrain);
Name | Type | Description |
_postSettlementSurplusDrain | address | Address of the contract that handles post settlement surplus |
The extra surplus receiver is used to transfer surplus if is not being auctioned
function extraSurplusReceiver() external view returns (address _extraSurplusReceiver);
Name | Type | Description |
_extraSurplusReceiver | address | Address of the contract that handles extra surplus transfers |
Getter for the contract parameters struct
function params() external view returns (AccountingEngineParams memory _params);
Name | Type | Description |
_params | AccountingEngineParams | AccountingEngine parameters struct |
Getter for the unpacked contract parameters struct
function _params()
returns (
uint256 _surplusIsTransferred,
uint256 _surplusDelay,
uint256 _popDebtDelay,
uint256 _disableCooldown,
uint256 _surplusAmount,
uint256 _surplusBuffer,
uint256 _debtAuctionMintedTokens,
uint256 _debtAuctionBidSize
Name | Type | Description |
_surplusIsTransferred | uint256 | Whether the system transfers surplus instead of auctioning it [0/1] |
_surplusDelay | uint256 | Amount of seconds between surplus actions |
_popDebtDelay | uint256 | Amount of seconds after which debt can be popped from debtQueue |
_disableCooldown | uint256 | Amount of seconds to wait (post settlement) until surplus can be drained |
_surplusAmount | uint256 | Amount of surplus transferred or sold in one surplus action [rad] |
_surplusBuffer | uint256 | Amount of surplus that needs to accrue in this contract before any surplus action can start [rad] |
_debtAuctionMintedTokens | uint256 | Amount of protocol tokens to be minted in debt auctions [wad] |
_debtAuctionBidSize | uint256 | Amount of debt sold in one debt auction [rad] |
The total amount of debt that is currently on auction in the DebtAuctionHouse
function totalOnAuctionDebt() external view returns (uint256 _totalOnAuctionDebt);
Name | Type | Description |
_totalOnAuctionDebt | uint256 | Total amount of debt that is currently on auction [rad] |
A mapping storing debtBlocks that need to be covered by auctions
A debtBlock can be popped from the queue (to be auctioned) if more than popDebtDelay
has elapsed since creation
function debtQueue(uint256 _blockTimestamp) external view returns (uint256 _debtBlock);
Name | Type | Description |
_blockTimestamp | uint256 | The timestamp of the debtBlock |
Name | Type | Description |
_debtBlock | uint256 | The amount of debt created in the inputted blockTimestamp [rad] |
The total amount of debt that is currently in the debtQueue to be auctioned
function totalQueuedDebt() external view returns (uint256 _totalQueuedDebt);
Name | Type | Description |
_totalQueuedDebt | uint256 | Total amount of debt in RAD that is currently in the debtQueue [rad] |
The timestamp of the last time surplus was transferred or auctioned
function lastSurplusTime() external view returns (uint256 _lastSurplusTime);
Name | Type | Description |
_lastSurplusTime | uint256 | Timestamp of when the last surplus transfer or auction was triggered |
Returns the amount of bad debt that is not in the debtQueue and is not currently handled by debt auctions
The difference between the debt in the SAFEEngine and the debt in the debtQueue and on auction
function unqueuedUnauctionedDebt() external view returns (uint256 _unqueuedUnauctionedDebt);
Name | Type | Description |
_unqueuedUnauctionedDebt | uint256 | Amount of debt in RAD that is currently not in the debtQueue and not on auction [rad] |
When the contract is disabled (usually by GlobalSettlement
) it has to wait disableCooldown
before any remaining surplus can be transferred to postSettlementSurplusDrain
function disableTimestamp() external view returns (uint256 _disableTimestamp);
Name | Type | Description |
_disableTimestamp | uint256 | Timestamp of when the contract was disabled |
Push a block of debt to the debt queue
Usually called by the LiquidationEngine
when a SAFE is liquidated
Debt is locked in a queue to give the system enough time to auction collateral and gather surplus
function pushDebtToQueue(uint256 _debtBlock) external;
Name | Type | Description |
_debtBlock | uint256 | Amount of debt to push [rad] |
Pop a block of debt from the debt queue
A debtBlock can be popped from the queue after popDebtDelay
seconds have passed since creation
function popDebtFromQueue(uint256 _debtBlockTimestamp) external;
Name | Type | Description |
_debtBlockTimestamp | uint256 | Timestamp of the block of debt that should be popped out |
Destroy an equal amount of coins and debt
It can only destroy debt that is not locked in the queue and also not in a debt auction (unqueuedUnauctionedDebt
function settleDebt(uint256 _rad) external;
Name | Type | Description |
_rad | uint256 | Amount of coins & debt to destroy [rad] |
Use surplus coins to destroy debt that was in a debt auction
Usually called by the DebtAuctionHouse
after a debt bid is made
function cancelAuctionedDebtWithSurplus(uint256 _rad) external;
Name | Type | Description |
_rad | uint256 | Amount of coins & debt to destroy with surplus [rad] |
Start a debt auction (print protocol tokens in exchange for coins so that the system can be recapitalized)
It can only auction debt that has been popped from the debt queue and is not already being auctioned
function auctionDebt() external returns (uint256 _id);
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | Id of the debt auction that was started |
Start a surplus auction (sell surplus stability fees for protocol tokens)
It can only auction surplus if surplusIsTransferred
is set to false
It can only auction surplus if surplusDelay
seconds have elapsed since the last surplus auction/transfer was triggered
It can only auction surplus if enough surplus remains in the buffer and if there is no more debt left to settle
function auctionSurplus() external returns (uint256 _id);
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | Id of the surplus auction that was started |
Transfer surplus to an address as an alternative to surplus auctions
It can only transfer surplus if surplusIsTransferred
is set to true
It can only transfer surplus if surplusDelay
seconds have elapsed since the last surplus auction/transfer was triggered
It can only transfer surplus if enough surplus remains in the buffer and if there is no more debt left to settle
function transferExtraSurplus() external;
Transfer any remaining surplus after the disable cooldown has passed. Meant to be a backup in case GlobalSettlement.processSAFE has a bug, governance doesn't have power over the system and there's still surplus left in the AccountingEngine which then blocks GlobalSettlement.setOutstandingCoinSupply.
Transfer any remaining surplus after disableCooldown
seconds have passed since disabling the contract
function transferPostSettlementSurplus() external;
Emitted when a block of debt is pushed to the debt queue
event PushDebtToQueue(uint256 indexed _timestamp, uint256 _debtAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
_timestamp | uint256 | Timestamp of the block of debt that was pushed |
_debtAmount | uint256 | Amount of debt that was pushed [rad] |
Emitted when a block of debt is popped from the debt queue
event PopDebtFromQueue(uint256 indexed _timestamp, uint256 _debtAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
_timestamp | uint256 | Timestamp of the block of debt that was popped |
_debtAmount | uint256 | Amount of debt that was popped [rad] |
Emitted when the contract destroys an equal amount of coins and debt
event SettleDebt(uint256 _rad, uint256 _coinBalance, uint256 _debtBalance);
Name | Type | Description |
_rad | uint256 | Amount of coins & debt that was destroyed [rad] |
_coinBalance | uint256 | Amount of coins that remains after debt settlement [rad] |
_debtBalance | uint256 | Amount of debt that remains after debt settlement [rad] |
Emitted when the contract destroys an equal amount of coins and debt with surplus
Normally called with coins received from the DebtAuctionHouse
event CancelDebt(uint256 _rad, uint256 _coinBalance, uint256 _debtBalance);
Name | Type | Description |
_rad | uint256 | Amount of coins & debt that was destroyed with surplus [rad] |
_coinBalance | uint256 | Amount of coins that remains after debt settlement [rad] |
_debtBalance | uint256 | Amount of debt that remains after debt settlement [rad] |
Emitted when a debt auction is started
event AuctionDebt(uint256 indexed _id, uint256 _initialBid, uint256 _debtAuctioned);
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | Id of the debt auction that was started |
_initialBid | uint256 | Amount of protocol tokens that are initially offered in the debt auction [wad] |
_debtAuctioned | uint256 | Amount of debt that is being auctioned [rad] |
Emitted when a surplus auction is started
event AuctionSurplus(uint256 indexed _id, uint256 _initialBid, uint256 _surplusAuctioned);
Name | Type | Description |
_id | uint256 | Id of the surplus auction that was started |
_initialBid | uint256 | Amount of protocol tokens that are initially bidded in the surplus auction [wad] |
_surplusAuctioned | uint256 | Amount of surplus that is being auctioned [rad] |
Emitted when surplus is transferred to an address
event TransferSurplus(address indexed _extraSurplusReceiver, uint256 _surplusTransferred);
Name | Type | Description |
_extraSurplusReceiver | address | Address that received the surplus |
_surplusTransferred | uint256 | Amount of surplus that was transferred [rad] |
Throws when trying to auction debt when it is disabled
error AccEng_DebtAuctionDisabled();
Throws when trying to auction surplus when it is disabled
error AccEng_SurplusAuctionDisabled();
Throws when trying to transfer surplus when it is disabled
error AccEng_SurplusTransferDisabled();
Throws when trying to settle debt when there is not enough debt left to settle
error AccEng_InsufficientDebt();
Throws when trying to auction / transfer surplus when there is not enough surplus
error AccEng_InsufficientSurplus();
Throws when trying to push / pop / auction a null amount of debt / surplus
error AccEng_NullAmount();
Throws when trying to transfer surplus to a null address
error AccEng_NullSurplusReceiver();
Throws when trying to auction / transfer surplus before the cooldown has passed
error AccEng_SurplusCooldown();
Throws when trying to pop debt before the cooldown has passed
error AccEng_PopDebtCooldown();
Throws when trying to transfer post-settlement surplus before the disable cooldown has passed
error AccEng_PostSettlementCooldown();
struct AccountingEngineParams {
uint256 surplusIsTransferred;
uint256 surplusDelay;
uint256 popDebtDelay;
uint256 disableCooldown;
uint256 surplusAmount;
uint256 surplusBuffer;
uint256 debtAuctionMintedTokens;
uint256 debtAuctionBidSize;